Started my Monday by having great breakfast with my team, it was fun catching up with them and it was definitely a good way to start my Monday before the whole back to back meeting that was line up in front of me.
To me Monday normally is the day where I will have 1 whole day of non-stop meeting with various people in my organization, my Elite Force, Core Team, and of course my board of managers. And especially this week, it was more intense because we were really planning to make sure everybody are motivated and charged up for the final quarter.
In the midst of my busy Monday, I then received an email. After reading the email, I was just smiling the whole day.. what a pleasant surprise :) Unfortunately it was a great news that I can't share right now, but I guess by next week you should probably already know it. Hahaha...
On Tuesday, I started my day earlier than my normal day because by 7.30 am I should already be at Suntec Convention Centre for a half day event. Nevertheless, It was another great event full of inspiration.
Wednesday, it was a monthly meeting day ! Every month I always looking forward for this moment where I can have my solid 3 hours to update, motivate and inspire my beloved MRO team. This time, me and my board of managers have prepared something special for them. And I was very happy to see that they were all excited. It's gonna be a very fierce competition, and may the best tribes win :)
Thursday was another day where I did my Pay It Forward (PIF) Project. PIF Project is one of my non-profit initiative. Although I am regularly engaged to conduct professional trainings in the region, I have pledged my time to conduct free Talks for institutions/schools/clubs whose members are young people aged 15-35. During this 60-minutes Talk, I shared my personal success journey – from school into the business world.
This time, I did my PIF project for Republic Polytechnic. My first time visiting Republic Polytechnic, and I was amazed, not only by its grand building and infrastructure, but also by its curriculum. The school actually don't have lecture, tutorial or even textbook for the students. It's all experiential learning. Awesome !
Anyway, I really enjoyed talking and interacting with the students there.. some of them already become my facebook friends :) hahaha...

Friday, it was another full day of training. I conducted 1 full day of Sales Express. After that, still have to go for a few rounds of meeting. Exhausted, but it's really fulfilling.
Well, that's just a glimpse of what I did for the last 5 days.
Tomorrow will be another busy day, have to go for full day shooting for my latest video :)
I bet's gonna be fun !
To me, Life is like a book. Everyday has a new page with adventures to tell, things to learn, and tales to remember. May you have a wonderful chapters in your life to come !
Merry Riana
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