Monday, September 21, 2009

How to gain back your momentum after a long holiday?

I just logged on to my facebook, and saw that many of my friends' status said something like: "No more holidays, back to work tomorrow"

Hahaha... yeah.. we just ended our long holiday here in Singapore, and sad to say that tomorrow, we have to be back to reality.

I know some of you probably right now are still in a 'holiday mood' and definitely not ready to get back to work tomorrow or start your daily activities.

Well, that's why I decided to give you a few tips that you can use to get back your momentum, so that tomorrow, you will be recharged again and ready to be your best!

Tips #1.
Wake up early ! Jump off your bed and shout out loud "This is going to be my best day!"

Tips #2.
Prepare only the best.
Wear your best clothes, spray your nicest perfume and of course take your time to enjoy your favorite breakfast with your morning coffee.

Tips #3
Be Positive.
On the way to your workplace, surround yourself with positive things and positive people. Listen to your favorite inspirational songs from your ipod, or tune in to your favorite radio station :) And don't forget to SMILE and greet at least 5 person that you meet that morning.

Tips #4
Have a plan.
By now you should already reach your working place and already feel very good. It's time to start your work. Well, before you start doing anything, it is important for you to know what you want to do for a day. You should have a plan (things to do list). If you don't have, then start making one.

Tips #5.
Create a schedule.
This is also important to get you starting. Scheduling a time ensures that you don’t put the activity off because you don’t feel like it or because something comes up.

Tips #6.
Just do it !
Don’t stop to pause and wonder if you really FEEL like doing this today. Coz you know what? You won’t! Just walk out the door, or sit down at the desk, or start doing things that you've already plan to do and already in your schedule (that's why having schedule is important!).
Remember, you need to build your momentum back. And taking action builds the enthusiasm.

Tips #7
Celebrate your day.
Without your realize, you probably already completed most of the things that you've plan today. Congrats! just a little bit more, and that's the end of your first day at work after your holiday.
You are almost there !
Once you've done so, you definitely deserve a little celebration.
Go and have dinner with your loved one, or your friends.

But remember... don't over celebrate and don't sleep to late, because the next day, you have to be at work again :) Taking an MC just after 1 day of working definitely is not advisable :p

Well, that's my tips for you. I hope the 7 tips that I just shared with you will help you gain back your momentum and will help you to make tomorrow your best day.

Merry Riana

1 comment:

  1. You are just great! :) I'd like you to change your template to a better one.

    I want to chat with you. Are you going to deny me? :(

    yahoo - aminulislam333
    gtalk - "
