Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When should I give up on my goal and dream ?

I just did my talk in NUS this evening. It was part of my non-profit project that I have, which is called Pay It Forward. It was a wonderful session, and I enjoyed myself sharing my experiences with the students there :)

Not long ago, I received a message in my facebook from one of the student who attended my talk earlier on. He told me that he has been working hard to pursue his dream but he is still far from what he wanted to be. He asked me how can he know when to stop and when to continue doing?

It is actually an interesting questions, why I said interesting?? Because I believe many of us, including myself had probably asked that kind of question to ourselves sometimes.
So I decided to write this blog to answer his interesting question.

If you are wandering what will be my answer? Well… follow this closely..

In my opinion, whether you are not sure about what you do is the correct thing or whether is this the correct choice for you, or whether is this something that will help you in the future, there’s only 3 tips that I want to share with you.

1. Just Take Action first!

It is better to make a wrong decision rather than make no decision. So if you are not sure, you are still doubtful, just go for it first, if not then you wouldn’t know

2. Take Action wholeheartedly

This is important because I believe the quality of your action will determine the quality of your results. There is a huge different in results from someone who really give 100% in whatever that he do, and those people who just doing it for the sake of doing it.
You might think that you already working very hard by working 10-14 hrs per day. But I’m sorry to tell you that working hard is not only determine by how many hrs you worked.

Once you know the first 2 steps, by now you probably will still ask the ultimately question which is when do you give up on one pathway in life and move to another? When do you quit?

This is the time where I’m going to share with you the 3rd key, which is Faith !

3. Have FAITH

I believe in one thing: “Do your best and God will do the rest”
I believe that as long as I’ve done my part, taking action and giving my 100%, I’ll let God lead me to where He want me to be and what He want me to do.

And how would I know that? Well, If this is the ‘right’ thing for me, I'm sure He will make me see progress and growth. He will give me passion towards what I’m doing and He will also give me sense of fulfillment. Somehow I’ll find peace and I just know it.

Similarly, when do I know whether I should give up on one pathway in life and move to another? The answer is simple, when I have an alternative path that will give me more growth, passion and fulfillment.

So, if currently you are pursuing your dream and you don’t think you are going to achieve it, the question of whether or not to quit doesn’t depend on your chance of success. The real question is whether pursuing this dream is causing you to grow? Does this path fill you with passion and enthusiasm? Do you feel alive?

If the path you are on currently is giving you the greatest growth, passion and fulfillment, just continue doing. It doesn’t matter whether you ever reach your destination because success is a journey, not a destination. Sometimes the doing is more important than the outcome.

Merry Riana

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