When we are teenager, we have Time and Energy, but No Money

When we are working adult, we have Money and Energy, but No Time

When we are old, we have Time and Money, but No Energy

Irony isn't it?
I was once experienced before, as teenager, I had a lot of times, and I had huge amount of energy, unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy many things because I was very much limited by my financial situation.
That's why on my 20th birthday, I made a resolutions for myself:
"To be able to achieve my Financial Freedom before age 30"
Why Financial Freedom?
Because by achieving it, I'll have TIME for me to enjoy the fruits of my hardwork.
Why before age 30?
Because by achieving it, I'll still have the ENERGY for me to have fun in life, and not only that, most importantly my parents will still have the energy to taste of my success together with me.
And I was blessed to be able to accomplished that.
Now, my question to you is: Which stage of life are you in right now?
Well, whatever your answer is, it doesn't matter.
The most important question is what can you do to change it?
Very True !
ReplyDeleteSadly, I'm currently in the stage of NO MONEY and NO TIME. Luckily I still have energy :)