At first the balloon is flat. You could put it in your pocket or in the middle of a book and no one even know what you are keeping. Sometimes you could hold it in your hands without anybody noticing what you have.

But the moment you blow air into the fat baloon, it becomes impossible for you to put it in the middle of your book like you did earlier! Once you start blowing the balloon, you cannot fold it in your hands as you did before! Everybody around you begins to notice the balloon. They begin to pay attention to its colors and its size.

What can you learn from this analogy?
When you have an idea, initially it may be in your book or on a piece of paper in your hands and no body know about it. But when you start to blow energy and passion into your idea, people begin see it. It also becomes impossible for you, the visionary, to hide the idea.
The air sustains the balloon as long as there is no place for air to escape. Your business also thrives as long as creativity, energy, and your passion is not allowed to escape.
The balloon traps air inside to be able to exhibit its real size and at the same time it takes advantage of the air to move up. The breeze does not often favor the balloon but the balloon still takes advantage of the breeze to dance in the air. You and I know so well that the balloon might be fully blown but it does not move if there is no breeze to carry it.
Many people came to me and told me that they have a lot of ideas to fullfill their dreams, but they all also complain to me saying that they can't do anything because they have no money.
Well, let me tell you, you do not have to start with money.
Start with what's on your mind.
There are people who have ideas and are waiting for money to start. What amazes me is that there are people who have money and are waiting for ideas so that they can invest their money!
Start blowing your baloon, and let people around you see how beautiful it is !

Merry Riana
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