Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hello Again :)
Long time no updates.. :p
First of all, I'm in the middle of upgrading my website. http://www.merryriana.com.sg/.
Currently it is not 100% fully completed yet, but once it is fully ready, I'll do my regular blogging from there instead of blogspot. In the meantime, you can still visit this page, or if you want more recent updates, you can also follow me on the Female 50 gorgeous website because currently I'm blogging more on that sites. http://www.female50gp.com/2009/blog/author/merry/
My last post was about my Bali trip :)
Also, recently I was actually on Razor TV :)
So if you want to catch the interview and see me, feel free to drop by http://www.razor.tv/site/servlet/segment/main/lifestyle/38090.html
Touching Hearts Changing Lives,
Merry Riana
Friday, October 23, 2009
Merry Riana - Voting for Female 50 Gorgeous People is on !
Just to let you know that the voting for Female 50 Gorgeous is on.
You can go to http://www.female50gp.com/2009/vote.php and vote generously for me :)
Also, I've been updating my daily blog at their platform
read more about my interview with Adam Khoo, and Elim Chew.
also my 5th year Wedding Anniversary, which happen to be today :) hehehe..
Alright then..
Thank you in advance for all your supports :)
Touching Hearts Changing Lives,
Merry Riana
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Merry Riana - 50 Most Gorgeous People 2009 Updates
Ever since I shared the good news of me being one of the 50 Most Gorgeous People 2009, I have received many messages, comments, emails, calls and sms. And I would say that all are very encouraging. Thank you, again !
For the next 10 weeks, I will actually write my blog regularly on their website.
And I will probably did a bit summary of what I wrote over there. But for more details and more updated stuff, you can visit the above link.
See you guys there !
Touching Hearts Changing Lives,
Merry Riana
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Merry Riana - Female 50 Gorgeous People 2009
I was actually chosen as one of the Finalist for the 50 FEMALE Gorgeous People 2009. Hahaha.. !! Yup.. yup.. I'm not kidding.. actually been wanting to tell you guys since my last post, but I want to wait until it is really really confirm.. :)
So, I just got the email today, and decided to share my great joy with you guys in my blog.

They actually wanted me to write my daily activities in their blog, and today is my first time writing it. So from now onwards, you can visit
There will be also a preview next Sat, 24th Oct at ION Orchad from 2pm - 5pm.
You'll be able to see the other 49 gorgeous hunks and babes, but of course you all know who is the most gorgeous one! hahhaa... :)
Please make yourself available on that day and do come down for the event.
You can email me in advance (merry@merryriana.com.sg) if you are coming, so that I can look out for you on that day, plus I'll know who is my most supportive readers.... hahaha... :)
Your great support will definitely means a lot to me :)
Merry Riana
Saturday, October 10, 2009
5 Days with Merry Riana
Started my Monday by having great breakfast with my team, it was fun catching up with them and it was definitely a good way to start my Monday before the whole back to back meeting that was line up in front of me.
To me Monday normally is the day where I will have 1 whole day of non-stop meeting with various people in my organization, my Elite Force, Core Team, and of course my board of managers. And especially this week, it was more intense because we were really planning to make sure everybody are motivated and charged up for the final quarter.
In the midst of my busy Monday, I then received an email. After reading the email, I was just smiling the whole day.. what a pleasant surprise :) Unfortunately it was a great news that I can't share right now, but I guess by next week you should probably already know it. Hahaha...
On Tuesday, I started my day earlier than my normal day because by 7.30 am I should already be at Suntec Convention Centre for a half day event. Nevertheless, It was another great event full of inspiration.
Wednesday, it was a monthly meeting day ! Every month I always looking forward for this moment where I can have my solid 3 hours to update, motivate and inspire my beloved MRO team. This time, me and my board of managers have prepared something special for them. And I was very happy to see that they were all excited. It's gonna be a very fierce competition, and may the best tribes win :)
Thursday was another day where I did my Pay It Forward (PIF) Project. PIF Project is one of my non-profit initiative. Although I am regularly engaged to conduct professional trainings in the region, I have pledged my time to conduct free Talks for institutions/schools/clubs whose members are young people aged 15-35. During this 60-minutes Talk, I shared my personal success journey – from school into the business world.
This time, I did my PIF project for Republic Polytechnic. My first time visiting Republic Polytechnic, and I was amazed, not only by its grand building and infrastructure, but also by its curriculum. The school actually don't have lecture, tutorial or even textbook for the students. It's all experiential learning. Awesome !
Anyway, I really enjoyed talking and interacting with the students there.. some of them already become my facebook friends :) hahaha...

Friday, it was another full day of training. I conducted 1 full day of Sales Express. After that, still have to go for a few rounds of meeting. Exhausted, but it's really fulfilling.
Well, that's just a glimpse of what I did for the last 5 days.
Tomorrow will be another busy day, have to go for full day shooting for my latest video :)
I bet's gonna be fun !
To me, Life is like a book. Everyday has a new page with adventures to tell, things to learn, and tales to remember. May you have a wonderful chapters in your life to come !
Merry Riana
Friday, October 2, 2009
Equipt yourself with the right tools
For many people that I know, especially those who works in sales line, October is an important month, because it marks the beginning of the last quarter.
And why last quarter is important? because normally that's the time where they will really run all the way until end of the year to clear their yearly target, year end quota or even run to get their promotion, bonus, awards, etc.
If I can give an analogy of a running competition, normally the last quarter is like a final lap, which is going to determine whether you will end the race victoriously as a winner or not. It is the Final Sprint.
Whether you have closed a lot of cases in the past 9 months, or whether you didn't manage to close any cases, it doesn't really matter. Because in race, it's not about how you start, it's about how you end it. And that's what this final sprint is all about.
One of the things that you need in order to excel in this final sprint is ATTITUDE.
Your courage and belief in yourself will be tested many, many times in your life. Especially in this Final Sprint.
How you will react is up to you.
Do you believe in yourself?
Have you been able to overcome adversity before?
Do you have the necessary tools to help you through the difficulty?
If you answered to all the above questions is YES, then I am happy because then I know that you can use that tools to get up - each time you get knocked down. Most of us have been knocked hard, more than once, more than twice. With the proper tools, we didn't let it destroy our life or our image and confident of ourselves. We thought, "Okay, there is some lesson here I need to learn", and moved forward again
For those who couldn't pick themselves back up - there's hope. You can do it too - it will take time, commitment, action and determination. You will need to surround yourself with tools that can help you break through your barriers. Like a mechanic, we all need tools to help us refine our skills for dealing with disappointment, hurt, anger and grief.
Tools can come in many forms:
1. Written material, like nice inspiration quote or article
2. Recorded material, such as motivation songs, video, etc
3. Images, for example, a photo of your loved ones, a photo of your past achievement, a picture of your future goals, your dream book, vision board, and many more.
4. And of course, people. Some one who can give you encouragement when you are down, some one who can listen and understand you, or it could even be someone who can nag and nag and nag at you. It could be your family member, your friends, your colleague, your team mates, your boss, your manager, etc.
Usually you will have to try many, before you find the right combination. But once you do, look out! All of a sudden the light bulb will go off in your head and you will think, "I get it, I understand what I have to do to move forward".
Do something nice for yourself this weekend - take a minute to reflect on what you want to happen in this Final Sprint and then start looking for the tools that will help you complete your plan.
Merry Riana
Sunday, September 27, 2009
20 + 1 ways to make others happy
Let me share with you few tips that you can do to brighten up someone's day
1. Look them in the eyes and say: "You are beautiful"
2. Give a free hug
3. Send them some cute or funny video from youtube
4. Secretly leave them a thank you notes
5. Help them carry something.
6. Buy them breakfast
7. Give compliment publicly
8. Say Thank You
9. Lend a listening ear
10. Just call to ask how they're doing
11. Cook for them
12. Make coffee for them
13. Write good comments on their facebook
14. Say I Love You :)
15. Send a thoughtful sms
16. Be there with them
17. Give them a nice massage
18. Remember their birthday
19. Give them a helping hand
20. Tell a joke
Last but not least, my favorite one:
21. SMILE :)
Your positive smile will surely make someone happy today! :)
Merry Riana
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Make someone happy today !
Some people do it because they find something they are passionate about and want to do something good for others, another probably think that they are very fortunate to live the way they do and want to give something back to society. Or it could even be for personal growth, volunteers often say that the experience has made them a better person.
There are number of different reasons we do charity work, bring flowers to a friend in the hospital, or buy a special gift for someone we love when we're out shopping. And one of the reason is because it makes us happy. Sometimes in fact, being kind and considerate to others actually benefits us more than the people we're helping.
Even if our activities initially starts out as a chore or an obligation, it can become a joy to us, as well as to those who benefit from our effort.
The real happiness consists in making others happy.
Have you done anything that makes someone happy today? :)
Well, even if your answer is NO, it's never too late.
Hopefully after reading this, you can start thinking: "Is there something that I can do to make someone happy?" It doesn't have to be big or spectacular. Even a simple message expressing how much you appreciate someone's friendship can be very powerful.
You cannot always have happiness,
but you can always give happiness.
Merry Riana
Monday, September 21, 2009
How to gain back your momentum after a long holiday?
Hahaha... yeah.. we just ended our long holiday here in Singapore, and sad to say that tomorrow, we have to be back to reality.
I know some of you probably right now are still in a 'holiday mood' and definitely not ready to get back to work tomorrow or start your daily activities.
Well, that's why I decided to give you a few tips that you can use to get back your momentum, so that tomorrow, you will be recharged again and ready to be your best!
Tips #1.
Wake up early ! Jump off your bed and shout out loud "This is going to be my best day!"
Tips #2.
Prepare only the best.
Wear your best clothes, spray your nicest perfume and of course take your time to enjoy your favorite breakfast with your morning coffee.
Tips #3
Be Positive.
On the way to your workplace, surround yourself with positive things and positive people. Listen to your favorite inspirational songs from your ipod, or tune in to your favorite radio station :) And don't forget to SMILE and greet at least 5 person that you meet that morning.
Tips #4
Have a plan.
By now you should already reach your working place and already feel very good. It's time to start your work. Well, before you start doing anything, it is important for you to know what you want to do for a day. You should have a plan (things to do list). If you don't have, then start making one.
Tips #5.
Create a schedule.
This is also important to get you starting. Scheduling a time ensures that you don’t put the activity off because you don’t feel like it or because something comes up.
Tips #6.
Just do it !
Don’t stop to pause and wonder if you really FEEL like doing this today. Coz you know what? You won’t! Just walk out the door, or sit down at the desk, or start doing things that you've already plan to do and already in your schedule (that's why having schedule is important!).
Remember, you need to build your momentum back. And taking action builds the enthusiasm.
Tips #7
Celebrate your day.
Without your realize, you probably already completed most of the things that you've plan today. Congrats! just a little bit more, and that's the end of your first day at work after your holiday.
You are almost there !
Once you've done so, you definitely deserve a little celebration.
Go and have dinner with your loved one, or your friends.
But remember... don't over celebrate and don't sleep to late, because the next day, you have to be at work again :) Taking an MC just after 1 day of working definitely is not advisable :p
Well, that's my tips for you. I hope the 7 tips that I just shared with you will help you gain back your momentum and will help you to make tomorrow your best day.
Merry Riana
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I looked at her and told her my answer, which is TIME.
For me, time is precious, and there never seem to be enough of it.
Ironically, many of people forget its value.
Sometimes time flies just like that without they realise where does it go?
And if you are one of them, hopefully you will appreciate it more after you read this:
Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day.
What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!!!! Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.
There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of today.
· To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
· To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
· To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
· To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
· To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
· To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
· To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics
Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time. And remember that time waits for no one.
And what did I do today?
After my long and busy week I choose to spend all my day today with my precious little angel, Alvernia.
And I loved every single moment of it !
Merry Riana
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Is your life worth saving ?
The man looked into the little boy's eyes and said, "That's okay, kid. Just make sure your life was worth saving."
Ask yourself: "Is your life worth saving?"
This is your life. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well.
We only live once. But once is enough if we do it right :)
Live your life to the fullest.
Live it with passion
Live it with dignity
Merry Riana
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
When should I give up on my goal and dream ?
Not long ago, I received a message in my facebook from one of the student who attended my talk earlier on. He told me that he has been working hard to pursue his dream but he is still far from what he wanted to be. He asked me how can he know when to stop and when to continue doing?
It is actually an interesting questions, why I said interesting?? Because I believe many of us, including myself had probably asked that kind of question to ourselves sometimes.
So I decided to write this blog to answer his interesting question.
If you are wandering what will be my answer? Well… follow this closely..
In my opinion, whether you are not sure about what you do is the correct thing or whether is this the correct choice for you, or whether is this something that will help you in the future, there’s only 3 tips that I want to share with you.
1. Just Take Action first!
It is better to make a wrong decision rather than make no decision. So if you are not sure, you are still doubtful, just go for it first, if not then you wouldn’t know
2. Take Action wholeheartedly
This is important because I believe the quality of your action will determine the quality of your results. There is a huge different in results from someone who really give 100% in whatever that he do, and those people who just doing it for the sake of doing it.
You might think that you already working very hard by working 10-14 hrs per day. But I’m sorry to tell you that working hard is not only determine by how many hrs you worked.
Once you know the first 2 steps, by now you probably will still ask the ultimately question which is when do you give up on one pathway in life and move to another? When do you quit?
This is the time where I’m going to share with you the 3rd key, which is Faith !
3. Have FAITH
I believe in one thing: “Do your best and God will do the rest”
I believe that as long as I’ve done my part, taking action and giving my 100%, I’ll let God lead me to where He want me to be and what He want me to do.
And how would I know that? Well, If this is the ‘right’ thing for me, I'm sure He will make me see progress and growth. He will give me passion towards what I’m doing and He will also give me sense of fulfillment. Somehow I’ll find peace and I just know it.
Similarly, when do I know whether I should give up on one pathway in life and move to another? The answer is simple, when I have an alternative path that will give me more growth, passion and fulfillment.
So, if currently you are pursuing your dream and you don’t think you are going to achieve it, the question of whether or not to quit doesn’t depend on your chance of success. The real question is whether pursuing this dream is causing you to grow? Does this path fill you with passion and enthusiasm? Do you feel alive?
If the path you are on currently is giving you the greatest growth, passion and fulfillment, just continue doing. It doesn’t matter whether you ever reach your destination because success is a journey, not a destination. Sometimes the doing is more important than the outcome.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Change your life, Change your habit !
Well, if there is an answer to that I think the answer will be one word called: HABIT.
Successful people are successful because they form the habits of doing those things that failures don't like to do.
Is it a good news or a bad news? It is definitely a good news ! because forming a good habit actually it is not as difficult as it seems.
We all know that your habits will form your futures. And if you do not deliberately form good habits, unconsciously you will form bad ones. You are the kind of person you are because you have formed the habit of being that kind of person. The only way you can change is through habit.
Maybe you are not even aware of them but if you are not quite living up to your full capabilities, the chances are that bad habit or lack of good habits are slowing you down. If that’s how it is with you, it’s time to change bad habits to good.
When I first started my entrepreneurship journey I was in the sales industry. And I couldn't agree more that having a daily good habit has brought me to be where I am today.
When I was still doing sales, I listed down 5 things that I MUST do daily.
1. Plan my work - my whole one year work. Then I'll break it down to month, week, and eventually daily work. I will plan exactly how to reach my goal
2. I must do a sufficient number of sales presentations each day to real prospects.
3. I must have, use regularly, a procedure that produces a sufficient number of real prospects.
4. I must record my activities and results and analyze them regularly in order to learn how to improve them.
5. I must continually upgrade myself. Read and study regularly and systematically and try to keep pace with changes in then business and in human needs.
If you work in sales, I understand that your job definitely requires you to do prospecting, preparation of cases, client servicing, travel, office details, business lunches and dinners (sometimes breakfast too), and many others.
Depending on individual, some of these activities are more enjoyable than others. There is a normal tendency to concentrate on those that are pleasant, but if we don’t get the most from our other activities as well, that one particularly enjoyable duty will not be as profitable as it should be.
I think not only in sales industry, but every other business and every other activity in our lives requires organization. In your own home, for example, you know that your children don’t go to school simply when they feel like it, or when it is convenient for them to do so. They go on schedule.
So, write down a list of good habits that you want to have to replace your old ones. And start doing it today. I know in the beginning it's not going to be easy, but if you really follow thru, your new habits will work wonders for you. I guarantee !
Merry Riana
Sunday, September 13, 2009
How dependend are you with your handphone ?

1. You are hanging out in mall, then you realized that you left your hp at home. What are you thinking?
a. No time to think, straight away you go back to get your hp
b. “Never mind, hopefully nobody call me”
c. “I purposely left it at home, because I scared I will lost it if I bring to mall”
2. How often you received a call in a day?
a. Almost zero
b. 1 – 4 calls
c. More than 5 calls
3. Your ring tone is:
b. Current hit song
c. Not important to have a ring tone
b. With one hand, because the other hand can do other things
c. You type so fast until nobody can notice
b. No
c. Not yet (going to)
6. When do you think is a best time to buy new handphone?
b. When there is a new model that is reasonable and it is within your budget
c. Anytime there is a new model, regardless whether you need it or not
b. Don’t think anyone will still interested with my old-fashioned handphone
c. Only when I just bought it
b. Why need to bring handphone when your friends are already with you.
c. Obviously on top of the table. So when someone call, you’ll know immediately (also can show off to your friend about your handphone)
1. a = 3, b = 2, c = 1
2. a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
3. a = 3, b = 2, c = 1
4. a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
5. a = 3, b = 1, c = 2
6. a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
7. a = 3, b = 1, c = 2
8. a = 2, b = 1, c = 3
8 – 12
You think that your handphone disturb you. I know it is a bit annoying when you are in the middle of doing something important, then out of sudden you received a phone call from a stranger. But whether you realize or not, handphone is a really important device, especially during emergency. So don’t treat your handphone as your enemy.
Handphone definitely play and important role in your life. And you manage to balance it well. You use it to help you still be accessible, and at the same time you also still keep your handphone up to date with the current model, and of course all these are done within your budget.
You really crazy about your handphone. To you, handphone is not only a communication device, but also a tool that you can use to show off. And feel good about it. You feel that you must always have the latest model regardless whether you can afford it or not. Actually, if your handphone is still in a good condition, there’s no harm for you to continue using it. And the extra money that you have, you can use it to buy other things.
Whichever your score is, to me as long as you are not using your blackberry as an earrings like the picture below, I think you are still normal :)

Merry Riana
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Latest News :)
This past few days was extremely busy.
I went back to Jakarta last Saturday to do a few projects, which you guys is going to find out very soon :)
One of it was a shoot for Indonesian TV Program. It is a variety show for young teenager called: Planet Remaja (Teenage World) which is an hour program talking about anything that is related to teenager, starting from funky activities, trend fashion, hottest news, etc. I remembered many years back I used to watch that program every saturday afternoon. Never thought that one day I will be taking part inside the program :)
I will be doing one of the section, which is called Dear Diary. Dear Diary is one of the segment in the Planet Remaja Show where teens will ask questions about problem that they are currently facing. And my job is to give them my advice, based on what they shared with me. It could be a BGR (Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship) problem, lack of self-esteem, no direction, lack of motivation, communication problem between friends, misunderstanding with parents, and many others.
I feel very honored to be trusted to shared my opinion and give them my piece of advice. I did a shoot for 6 episodes. It was tiring and FUN at the same time.
The crew was very friendly and the producer was very professional and efficient.
So do keep a look out, OK :) it will be aired starting from next Sunday, 20th Sept 2009 12noon – 1pm in AnTV, Indonesian channel.
If you can't catch it, I'll see whether I'll have the copy of it so that I can post it in youtube :)
3,2,1, Action !
With Fantastic Crew from Anteve and Tiga Production
Merry Riana
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fire Walker experience with Anthony Robbins
Yes!! I attended the Unleash The Power Within (UPW) Seminar by Anthony Robbins in 2001. And I did walk on hot coals of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It was an AWESOME and definitely life changing experience for me. It was one of the turning point in my life that brings me to be where I am today.
Initially it wasn't a easy decision for me to go for the event, because the price is not cheap. I paid $1,200 ++ and considering that I haven't work at that time, that amount is definitely a huge amount. But I believe before things changed, I must change first. And the most important thing to change is the mindset ! That's why finally me and my boyfriend (currently husband) went together for the event.
Here's the photo that I had with Tony Robbins
And this one is just after the fire walk experience, day 1.
There were more than 4000 participants attending the event at that time.
But, my question is, how many of them have really changed their life and achieve their success since then?
I'm saying this not to show off or to impress you, but to impress upon you the fact that just attending a seminar only is not a guarantee for success.
To be successful, not only you must get the right knowledge and skills, but also to take massive actions applying all those knowledge and skills in real life!
So, for all my friends who are attending UPW these 4 days, and also for all my other friends who like to attend seminars, read books, listen to audio CDs, etc, I would like to encourage you to IMPLEMENT all that you've learned.
It all starts with a Vision, but without Action, it's nothing.
Like the Bible says, Faith without Works is dead.
Merry Riana
Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy Family
Taking baby picture wasn't easy at all.
The photographer asked me to come down at her 'happy hour', the timing that my Alvernia most active and happy. I thought afternoon should be the safest, because normally during that time she is the most active, unfortunately all this things really cannot predict. Don't know why, but on that day, it seems that she is very uncomfortable and don't want to smile a lot. Maybe because it is a new environment for her.
Well, but even though it wasn't her 'happy hour', we've managed to get a few good shots.
Here it is :)
Will update more of her photos and also my photos in my facebook (www.facebook.com/merryriana) and in my new website.
Merry Riana
Saturday, August 29, 2009
How good is your English ?
Very interesting ! Learn more about Phonics, Phonetics, Articulation, Pronunciation & Enunciation.
Apparently not many people really bother to speak good English nowdays.
How often do we hear of "udders" (others), "wif" (with), "di-yar" (their) and "tree" (three) ?
Those are just some example.
Even worse, I came across this article.
It said that Singapore McDonald often hire a lot of senior citizens as counter staff, many of them are not very proficient in English. So sometime we must pronounce it in the following way so that the auntie-auntie can understand it.
Mc.Donald's (Meh Donner)
Happy Meal (Hair Pee Mew)
To make it more interesting and fun, why don't I type the way they pronounce it and see how many of these words you can guess correctly.
1. Flench Fly
2. Feese Burger
3. Mus-sloom Burger
4. Meh Narget
5. Bee Blare Fers
6. Or Leng Joo
7. Apper Pai
8. Whore Cakes
9. Up Sai
10. Kon Kap
And here are the actual words
1. French Fries
2. Fillet O Fish
3. Mushroom Burger
4. Mc. Nugget
5. Big Breakfast
6. Orange Juice
7. Apple Pie
8. Hot Cakes
9. Up size
10. Corn Cup
Interesting right? :)
Having said that I'm not saying that I speak perfect English. Definitely not.
But I am a person who believe in continuous learning. As long as there is room for improvement, I will do my best to make it better.
I remember those days when I first came to Singapore. I can't really speak English properly. And in fact I failed my English test, so I have to take English Proficiency class for 1 year.
And because I can't really speak English correctly, I tend to mingle around with my fellow Indonesian students and speak Bahasa with them, which turns out it make my English even worse. So the only thing that I can do to improve it was to Practice, Practice and Practice. And I was finally able to overcome it.
Now, it's important not only to speak English fluently, but to articulate it correctly also.
Here's my favorite video about the importance of speaking good English
Not easy. But practice make perfect!
Merry Riana
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
20 Inspirational Songs
Do you feel like you have no energy? no drive? no passion?
Sometimes, when I do feel down or when I'm going through a tough time in my life, One way to help me gain back my energy, motivation and drive is to listen to my collections of Inspirational Songs.
Positive songs can create huge impact to my life, especially if the lyrics is so meaningful.
There are many great inspirational songs out there.
And I thought it will be useful for me to share it with you some of my favorite inspirational songs.
Here it is
20 Inspirational Songs
(in random order)
1. When you believe (Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston)
2. Reach (Gloria Estefan)
3. Power of Dream (Celine Dion)
4. You raise me up (Josh Groban)
5. Go the distance (Michael Bolton)
6. If we hold on together (Diana Ross)
7. One moment in time (Whitney Houston)
8. Hero (Mariah Carey)
9. Wind beneath my wings (Bette Midler)
10. The greatest love of all (Whitney Houston)
11. Voices that care (David Foster & Friends)
12. Do I make you proud (Taylor Hicks)
13. That's what friends are for (Stevie Wonders)
14. I believe I can fly (R. Kelly)
15. Can't take that away (Mariah Carey)
16. I believe (Fantasia)
17. Count on me (Whitney Houston)
18. The Climb (Miley Cyrus)
19. The world's greatest (R. Kelly)
20. I'm your angel (R. Kelly & Celine Dion)
Coming soon, I'll share with you my 20 POWER Songs !
Songs that can make you feel recharged and filled with energy.
In the mean time, feel free to add the list if you have other inspirational songs that wasn't in the list
Merry Riana
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Making friends with your money
In my book "A Gift From A Friend", I wrote that money is NOT the MOST important thing in life; however, money can affect the most important things in life.
Money is a life-enhancer. It can enhance love, it can enhance relationships, it can enhance the quality of life that you have in your family, and many more.
You can become the master of your money or you can become its servant.
The choice is yours.
Choose to be smart and make friends with money.
Here's some simple steps to help you making friends with money.
Step 1
As always, it all started with your mindset first.
Is money a blessing in your life? For many people, money are a problem both emotionally and practically. Most of us feel we don't have enough of it. Frequently we don't manage it well. Often we inherit our negative attitudes about money and don't even realize it.
The way you feel about money is important. Never feel embarrassed for having a healthy respect for money and what it can do for you and others. When you look at all the good that money does, admit that money is the root of much good. Be positive about it !
Step 2
Appreciate it.Don't take money for granted. Analyze how you use money. Make a list of how you have spent it wisely and how you have not.
Step 3
Take control of it.
If you are not careful, money can enslave you. I've seen a lot people simply just cannot control themselves when it come to managing their money. But if you learn how to tame it and master it, however, it will do whatever you tell it to do. You can decide how, when and where it will be used.
Step 4
Don’t spend money. Allocate it.
Save at least 10% of every money that you earn.
In my previous post, I've shared with you how I allocate my money every single month.
Basically, I will allocate it to 5 different accounts. You can click on the link to know more about it.
Step 5
Protect it
Protect your money from fire, theft, death and disability.
You can work a lifetime and then lose everything you have achieved if your house burns down or is robbed, if you die prematurely or become disabled. You need to protect it from theft, fire, death, disability and major illness. Use insurance –- mortgage, house, life, disability and health -- to protect your money and your family.
When you make friend with money, your money will make friend with you too
... and eventually, they will stick with you !) :)
Merry Riana
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Do I look like below 21 ?
You guys won't believe what I experienced today at the cinema. I handed over my ticket and about to walk to the cinema hall, suddenly the ticket-guy stopped me. He wanted to check my identity card to check whether am I above 21? Hahaha... I was flattered. Do I look like I am below 21 years old? :) Thank you for the compliment ! :)
Anyway, as female, we always feel happy if people thought we look younger than our actually age. Am I right, Girl? :)
So how can we able to achieve that?
Well, one of the way is to do regular exercise.
Speaking about exercise, it reminds me of 1 particular video that I find very funny.
Again, it's another Thai production. This time they are actually promoting daily exercise.
You have to really see it for yourself:
I personally like the 2nd one :)
Also, just to update you that I'm so happy that my new website is about 75% done.
Hopefully everything will be finished by September :)
I really can't wait to launch it. I believe you guys gonna like it very much.
In the mean time, enjoy your weekend ! :)
Merry Riana
Friday, August 21, 2009
Blow your baloon
At first the balloon is flat. You could put it in your pocket or in the middle of a book and no one even know what you are keeping. Sometimes you could hold it in your hands without anybody noticing what you have.

But the moment you blow air into the fat baloon, it becomes impossible for you to put it in the middle of your book like you did earlier! Once you start blowing the balloon, you cannot fold it in your hands as you did before! Everybody around you begins to notice the balloon. They begin to pay attention to its colors and its size.

What can you learn from this analogy?
When you have an idea, initially it may be in your book or on a piece of paper in your hands and no body know about it. But when you start to blow energy and passion into your idea, people begin see it. It also becomes impossible for you, the visionary, to hide the idea.
The air sustains the balloon as long as there is no place for air to escape. Your business also thrives as long as creativity, energy, and your passion is not allowed to escape.
The balloon traps air inside to be able to exhibit its real size and at the same time it takes advantage of the air to move up. The breeze does not often favor the balloon but the balloon still takes advantage of the breeze to dance in the air. You and I know so well that the balloon might be fully blown but it does not move if there is no breeze to carry it.
Many people came to me and told me that they have a lot of ideas to fullfill their dreams, but they all also complain to me saying that they can't do anything because they have no money.
Well, let me tell you, you do not have to start with money.
Start with what's on your mind.
There are people who have ideas and are waiting for money to start. What amazes me is that there are people who have money and are waiting for ideas so that they can invest their money!
Start blowing your baloon, and let people around you see how beautiful it is !

Merry Riana
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
10 tips on how to save more money
Today, I'm going to give you 10 very simple things that you can do to help you to spend less
1. Master the 30 days rule. Whenever you’re in doubt whether you should buy that item or not, wait 30 days and then ask yourself if you still want that item. Very likely, you’ll find that the urge to buy has passed and you’ll have saved yourself some money.
2. Give up expensive habits, like cigarettes, alcohol, and clubbing. Those habits cause money to flow away from you with nothing in return. If you can't give up straight away, at least do your best to cut down slowly every single week.
3. Save the electricity. Use less energy, especially when you are not using it. Be diligent about turning off lights before you leave, keep your air con at 25 degree instead of 18 degree, use energy-saving electronic product. You will be amazed to see how much different will it make in your electricity bill.
4. Hide your credit cards. Put them in a safe place in your home, not in your wallet where it’s easy to spend them. Make sure you do so until you have the willpower control your temptation of spending.
5. Don’t spend money just to de-stress. Many people used to spend money just to wind down from a stressful day at work. Try something FREE. Some people often feel much better by going home and spend some quiet time just to relax and then meditate. Or you could just exercise, go for jogging to de-stress, or maybe just sleep early.
6. Eat at home. Home cooking is cheaper and healthier than take-out or dining out. Even better, you can spend more time with your family member at home. It is definitely more fun.
7. Cut down your hand phone bill. If it is difficult for you to cut down your talking time or sms, one way to help you to minimize your hand phone bill is by checking your hand phone bill and look for services you don’t use, and cancel them. Things like an international roaming, caller number non-display, web access, etc
8. Cut down on your vacation spending. If you need to go for a vacation, try to go for budget vacation instead of going on a big, extravagant trip. There is a lot of choices that is currently available for you to choose.
9. Turn off yout TV. By watching less television, you'll have less exposure to guilt-inducing advertisements, and also less electrical use, therefore less expenses.
10. Home entertainment. Invite friends over instead of going out. Almost every activity at home is less expensive than going out. Have a cookout or a potluck meal, then play some cards and watch DVD.
Merry Riana
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Life is hard ...
And when it is about time for her to eat her dinner, I suddenly remembered that I still have some presents that I got during Alvernia's 1 month celebration that I haven't used. It is a baby feeding set.
When I open it, I was surprise to see what I saw, so I decided to take a picture of it.
Here it is...
Take a look at the wording that says: "Life is hard... " and there is this small little chicken fell down (or is it jump down to suicide? ) hahaha...
I was wondering what was the designer thinking when he created it? Thought normally it should be a happy and positive wordings and drawing like: "I love daddy and mommy", "Life is beautiful", "Be happy", etc.
I believe our subconscious mind is very powerful, whatever we see it often enough, it will come true. If you see the word "Life is hard" every single day, every single moment continuously, it will eventually come true.
That's why is it important for us to have a 'filter' in our brain to choose what kind of information that we want to see everyday and believe.
So what did I do with that baby-feeding set?.
I decided to change it :)
Merry Riana
Cheers !
Here is one of my favorite video about being thankful in whatever thing that happened in our lives.
It's hilarious, and yet meaningful :)
Whatever bad things that happened to you today or this week, I hope that this video will cheer you up !
For every little good thing in life, Cheers !
Merry Riana
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How to stay Positive
I was very impressed. Now days, motivational poster not only can be found in working place, school, office, shopping centre, but even inside the cab can also be found.
I guess, that help us to remain positive at all times, especially in the current situation where is very challenging. The world is having a financial crisis; retrenchment everywhere, people lost their life time savings in the stock market, also not to forget the current pandemic, H1N1 flu.
To stay positive every time, every single day is definitely important.
There are many ways that you can do to keep yourself stay positive. One of the way is to be grateful everyday.
“The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now” ~Oprah Winfrey~
And I can't agree more. In my book, A Gift From A Friend, I wrote that Gratitude is the most forgotten, yet essentially important, emotion in our lives.
Without gratitude, we don’t feel satisfied.
Without gratitude, we feel inadequate.
Without gratitude, we don’t value relationships.
Without gratitude, we take things for granted.
With gratitude, we enjoy life more.
With gratitude, we enjoy ourselves more.
With gratitude, we enjoy relationships more.
With gratitude, we enjoy our possession more.
To have gratitude is to have the highest level of enjoyment within ourselves.
This is my challenge to you right now:
Think about all the positive experiences that have ever happened to you in your lives.
Think about all the material possessions that you own currently.
Think about all the positive relationships that you have ever been involved with.
Think about all the positive qualities you have now.
And then tell me whether you can still feel sad or depressed.
To have gratitude is an essential factor to enjoy this journey of success.
"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears"
~ Anthony Robbins~
Have you felt grateful today?
Merry Riana
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
3 stages of life

Saturday, August 8, 2009
What keeps me motivated ?
This is a regular event organized by my team of Managers and Leaders. This event serve as a venue to keep in touch and also as a platform for people who want to work in my organization, MRO (Merry Riana Organization) to get a closer look.
During the session, some participants asked questions to my Leaders.
He asked one of my manager, Gaius: "What keep him staying for so long in MRO"
and his answer was because of the 'sense of belonging' that he felt in MRO. To him, he felt that those people who worked closely together with him were just like his own extended family.
Another question was asked for one of my leader, Leslie: "What has MRO changed you?"
Leslie immediate answer was Family's Love. Sometimes in live, people take their parents and family's love for granted. Having working in MRO for years have made him realized the importance of having the love for his family member. He realized that all his success will have no meaning if it wasn't shared together with his loved ones; his family who have been supporting him all these while.
I was just sitting behind them as both of them shared their experiences, but deep down inside, my heart was smiling :) I was happy to hear their answer and to know that I've made an impact in their lives! I was proud to know that they were not only able to earn their wealth and success in MRO, but also able to learn important values and beliefs in lives.
And my answer is the people.
Thank's guys! :)
Gaius, Me and Alva
Leslie and Me
Merry Riana
Friday, August 7, 2009
Merry Riana's LIVE video
It was really a great honor for me when Fr. John Wong invited me few months back to sing for their Evening Concert to celebrate their feast day.
Well, I'm not a professional singer. But that night I just give my best and sing it with my heart :)
Here's the video that I took. Hope you like it :)
Me, singing my 1st song: Among All
Me, singing my 2nd song: Beautiful Mother
Merry Riana
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Are you a good boxer ?
Interestingly, what it takes to be a good businessperson may be very similar to what it takes to be a good boxer.

Most of us may think that the most important skill as a boxer is to throw punches to his opponent.
But, is it reallly true? :)
What if this boxer, who is very good in throwing punches, is suddenly punched in the face by his opponent? If this boxer can't take punches well, no matter how good is he in throwing punches, he'll seldom win a match. Because, once he was punched, he'll go down.
And the chance is almost 100% that if you're in a boxing match, you'll get punched once in a while.
The ability to throw punches and the ability to take punches.
One is the ability to take massive actions.
Another one is the ability to persevere through failures, to go up again everytime you fall.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Merry Riana's Giving Account

This is the account that actually gives me the most inspiration and motivation to continue my hard work in building my businesses to earn even more money.
This is the account that also gives me the most satisfaction when I use the money inside it.
This is my purpose in life.
As the name suggests, the money in my Giving Account is for me to give away.
I've given to many churches and many Christian organizations previously.
I've also started many non-profit initiatives using the money from this account.
The more you give, the more you'll receive. :)
Merry Riana
Merry Riana's Fun Account
Actually, many people have already been distributing their income to different accounts such as Necessity Account and Business Development Account.
Probably, they don't label them as such, but most people usually either spend their money for expenses and save/invest the difference.
But, I seldom know people who have a Fun Account.
I usually put around 5% of my income into my Fun Account.
The money in my Fun Account can be used for whatever purpose, no matter what it is.
I can buy anything I wish with it, whether it's useful or not :)
I can even give it to anyone I want.

As long as it let me enjoy and have Fun.

Having this Fun Account will motivate me to make even more money.
Because I know that 5% of whatever my businesses and investments earn for me is actually going to let me fulfill any wish that I've ever had.
And without feeling guilty that I actually use the money that I've worked so hard for.
Are you motivated to work hard? if the answer is NO, is it because you seldom have fun with the money that you earn? :)
Merry Riana
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Answer for "Magic Eye"
Well, as promised, here is the correct answer
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
For those of you who got it correctly, CONGRATULATIONS !
For those of you who still can't figure out, be patient ! Keep practice and soon you'll see it.
Merry Riana